Supervisee Workbooks

Special savings for add-on workbook copies

Have a supervisee workbook for each supervisee on your caseload!

Save time with ready-to-use materials

Comprehension assignments to test conceptual knowledge

Applied assignments to assess hands-on skills

Hundreds of hours of content

Ensure supervisees can enter the field as CONFIDENT and COMPETENT BCBAs!

Covers all test content areas over 4 sections including:

Vocabulary Terms: Fundamental terminology for each topic. 

Curated Materials: Lists of topic-specific resources, including videos, podcasts, and journal articles. 

Recommended Readings: Additional literature to deepen understanding. 

Client Assignments: Practical tasks to apply knowledge in real-world settings. 

Reviews: Opportunities to engage with journals, podcasts, and conferences. 

Comprehensive Assignments: Exercises to demonstrate conceptual understanding. 

Feedback Forms: Tools to facilitate constructive supervisor-supervisee interactions. 

Mini-Mock Exams: Assessments at the end of each section to prepare for certification exams.

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    Add-On Supervisee Workbooks6th edition
    (ships March 31st)

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    • 1xSupervisee Workbook Add On$199
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